Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby Ellyse

Announcing the arrival of our sweet baby girl!!!
Ellyse Lynlee Hall
born Feb 5, 2010
7 lbs. 4 oz.
20 1/2 " long
12:20 pm
We are so glad that our little angel has finally arrived. I went in for a c-section at noon on Feb. 5 and she was born at 12:20. She had a little bit of fluid in her lungs so they took her to the newborn intensive care unit to give her some oxygen and make sure she was okay. I didn't get to see her right away which was a bummer, but she needed to be taken care of. While in the NICU they tested her blood sugar levels and found they were a little low. They gave her an IV in her foot to feed her fluids. Her levels were normal after the first day and she has been healthy ever since. We stayed at the hospital until Tuesday Feb 9 and are now home trying to get into a routine. Ellyse's big brothers just love her to pieces. It is fun to watch them be so sweet and gentle with her.

One last pregnant picture before the c-section

Tim and my mom were both able to be in the operating room and witness the miracle of Ellyse being born.

I am all prepped for the operation

The first picture of Ellyse. That is all I saw before they took her to the NICU.

She is lookin' good and has a little better color!

Ellyse in the NICU

Sweet kisses from her daddy!

They brought her out of the NICU for a minute so I could hold her for the first time.

What a little cutie 2 days old!

Sleeping soundly - 3 days old

Getting ready to go home in her new outfit (Grandma Newman gave it to her)

All set to go home and meet her big brothers - the hospital didn't allow visitors under the age of 12 (due to the swine flu risks) so she didn't meet her brothers until we left the hosptial.


  1. Yeah! What a beautiful little girl! Can't wait to get to know my little niece better. I have lots of Favorite-Auntie cuddles for her.... Good job Tim & Beth!

  2. congratulations! how exciting to add a little girl to the mix. they are wonderful!

  3. YOU DID IT!!!!!!!! Twenty minute delivery---nice! She's a doll! What a cute little family you have.

  4. Ok, my absolute favorite picture is of little Ellyse in her brown onsie and the furry hat!! That made me smile real big. heha Oh, I just love her. I need to come hold her again. I love you cute Beth and I'm so proud of you.

  5. Congratulations! Hooray! What a pretty girl, she is. Oh, and I love the name! I hope you're healing up wonderfully, and adjusting to the crazy life of "Mom + 3" So happy for you!
