Friday, September 18, 2009

My Boys are at it Again

Well, it is no secret that my boys love to clean. I have no idea where they get this passion for cleaning, but I don't mind one bit. The other day, I was in the kitchen and I hear Ethan organizing a cleaning routine with Eli.

Ethan: "Eli, you move the shoes and I'll move the rug and chair. Ok, go get your vacuum Eli."

The next hing I hear is the whirl of their vacuums. I love it because their vacuums really work, so they are totally helping me out!! I snapped a cute picture of this cleaning brigade!


  1. it's so great when kids love to clean! we have the vacuum too and how brilliant of the manufacturers to make them really suck. cute story of cute little boys.

  2. They are so cute. I just think it's so funny that Ethan will just whip out the vacuum without any prompting from you. What a good little helper.
