Friday, April 3, 2009

Ethan's Tumbling Class

Ethan just started a 7 week class of tumbling and acrobatics. He is taking it with his friends Braxton and Graycee Wells. It works out great because then I get to see my dear friend, Emmilee, too!!! At first he was a little unsure about it. He heard they were gonna do handstands and he said, "that is too hard!" But I was so proud of him for being brave enough to try it. He was pretty proud of himself too. After he tried each new trick he would run over to me and say, "I did it and it wasn't even scary!" He said it in his super excited Ethan voice, which if you know Ethan, I am sure you can picture it. They got to do handstands, cartwheels, wheel barrel walking, front walk overs, and back walk overs. They had a blast and Ethan is so excited for his next class. I told him they might learn some new tricks and he told me, "I don't want to learn new tricks, I want to get better at the tricks I just learned!" He is so smart!!


  1. That looks like a lot of fun. What a good class for Ethan to let out all his energy.

  2. I am really glad we are all doing this!! I think it will be great for the kids to have fun playing together!
    Your blog looks great!!!
