Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Snowman in March

Well, we had an Easter Egg hunt in the backyard 2 days before we built a snowman in the backyard - Ya gotta love Spring in Utah! Tim was in charge of our activity for family night so he decided we would make a snowman in the freshly fallen snow. It was a great idea. The snow was perfect for building a tall snowman and doing it really fast. That is always key when playing outside in the cold with small children. As you can see in our final snowman picture, Eli was done playing in the snow. He was fearless in grabbing the snow and "helping" with our snowman, so I think his little fingers got cold really fast. Ethan loved playing in the snow and stayed outside long after the rest of us had gone in to get warm.

Notice the eyes on the snowman. They are each half of a plastic easter egg that we found in the snow left over from the easter egg hunt 2 days earlier!!

1 comment:

  1. That is a tall snowman. It looks like its eyes are glowing, what did you use? I love Ethans cheesy grin, what a cutie.
