Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Boys Love to Clean!!!

I just hope this love for cleaning continues as they get older. The other day Eli spit out a half eaten granola bar onto the carpet. I discovered it by stepping on it barefoot - yuck!! So I went into the bathroom, got out a rag, and went back to the hallway to start cleaning. As I am down on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor, I see my 15 month old little Eli get down on his hands and knees next to me with a wad of toilet paper and begin to scrub the floor just like mommy. Apparently he wanted to help clean up, so he got his rag (a wad of toilet paper) and got down on all fours to scrub - what a cutie!!!

Ethan also possesses this love for cleaning. For his 3rd birthday his one big request was his own vacuum. Of course he got it - I am all about nurturing this desire to clean. One night, Ethan got sick and threw up all over his bed. Tim and I got up to help. Tim took Ethan to the bathroom to get him cleaned up and I began to clean up the mess and put new sheets on his bed. Ethan apparently felt much better after throwing up because once he was cleaned up all he wanted to do was help us clean up his mess!! He is also really good at cleaning the bathroom. That is one of his chores, although it doesn't seem like a 'job' to him. He often asks me, "mommy can we clean today!!" Man, I sure hope this attitude about cleaning lasts.

1 comment:

  1. That's adorable. I can picture Eli down on the floor with you scrubbin' away. You are such a good mom. I know that their love of cleaning willl stick if you continue to make it fun.
